-ed and -ing adjectives
Surprised and surprising… What’s the difference?
You will find a lot of -ed and -ing adjectives in English, so this is important.
Encontrarás muchos adjetivos en inglés que acaban en -ed o en -ing, así que esto es importante. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre surprised y surprising? Digamos que surprised significa sorprendido, mientras que surprising significa sorprendente. Esta es tu primera pista.
Veamos si puedes averiguar la diferencia entre los siguientes adjetivos:
Let’s see if you can find out the difference between the following adjectives:
- Amanda is so bored at work. She has nothing interesting to do and she spends the day complaining.
- Eleanor fell asleep at the cinema because the film was so boring.
- We’ve just spent the most amazing day. We went parachuting!
- When Ted arrived home he looked totally amazed. He didn’t know anything about the party!
- Working more than eight hours a day is very tiring.
- I’m tired because I’ve been doing sport all day.
Have you already noticed the difference between -ed and -ing adjectives?
¿Ya has notado cuál es la diferencia entre los adjetivos acabados en -ed y los acabados en -ing?
Let’s check…